Thursday, 15 November 2012

The side effects

I've had four treatments of radiation now. We are feeling a bit more 'in the swing of things' at the hospital now. We allow ourselves about 40 minutes to get into town and find a park behind the hospital. Once we've arrived we head over to the ladies at reception desk to be checked in and to have my appointment confirmed for the next day. I get a bright yellow band stuck on my wrist before heading to the waiting room. After I've received my daily zapping we head back to the reception to sign the Medicare papers and sign out.

One thing that has really surprised me is the side effects. They've started a lot earlier than I was told to expect them. I know I've already blogged about it, but really, it is kind of freaking me out! I mean, they told me to expect it next week, not now!! Last night my skin on my neck started to look just slightly pink. It was also feeling a little bit prickly, similar to a sunburn but without the heat. Today that feeling has really intensified. My skin is quite itchy and pink. I've started slathering on copious amounts of Sorbolene cream. I fell asleep in the car on the way home from the hospital this afternoon too. A combination of my treatment, a warm car, a late night, and an early morning I'm sure, but boy, was I just beat! Bone tired! I've just noticed while brushing my teeth that the uncomfortable feeling on the inside of my lip is due to the beginnings of some ulcers. Wow! Time to crack open my fancy medicated mouth wash.

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