It has been just over a week since my last treatment. I've been back to the hospital to see the Doctor and the Dietician. I'm thrilled to say that our conversations have now moved from how to manage pain, feeding, and weight, to how I will be reducing my medications and starting foods orally again! I'm still on a hefty dose of morphine, and will be for at least another week before we start to decrease the dosage. Even though the treatments have stopped the effects have still continued. My skin is looking amazing, it has very quickly gone from raw wounds to now just looking like a sunburn. It's even flaking and peeling like a sunburn! My mouth, however, continued to get ulcers this week and has still been so incredibly sore. Particularly in the morning before I've had my medications. I'm still thankful that they are fast acting!
I'm now down to weekly visits to see the Doctor and fortnightly visits to the Dietician. I'm done with the radiotherapy treatments. Does that mean I can say that I'm cancer free? In remission? I have to have a scan in approximately four weeks' time where they will check to see the effectiveness of the treatment. I don't want to even think on it, really, because the "what if's" scare me.
So from this point on my focus is going to be one of positive healing! I have so much I want to do this year and it all depends on me getting healthy.
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